Sunday, June 13, 2010

North American Road Trip Pt8 - Alberta - Wyoming

Due to work obligations it was time for us to leave, but first we wanted to see a little of what Canada has to offer! We headed over to Jasper and took in the beautiful mountain scenery. Unfortunately we didn’t plan too well and ended up there on a long weekend….hotels were stupidly expensive so after touring downtown we drove 40 min to find a cheaper place to sleep. The next day we drove through mountain terrain and forest and ended up at Lake Louise. Beautiful clear aqua water….I wanted to go swimming but it was freeeeezing (glacier water). Pictures do not do this place justice! After hiking for a bit we set off back across the border to the U.S.A.
I didn’t know much about Yellowstone before this trip. In fact I kept calling it “Jellystone” (I’m smarter than the average bear!). I soon figured out why it was called Yellowstone – there are areas where the stones are yellow…and orange, and red. Breathing in the fresh sulphuric air we saw mud holes and geysers, including Old Faithful (and he was right on time!). It’s interesting to find out that Yellowstone is a super volcano. Many people die there each year because they leave the trail and end up getting scalded to death (if the sign says do not touch, then do not touch!). You can literally feel the heat coming from the ground. Apparently Yellowstone erupts approx. every 600,000 years causing total devastation, and it hasn’t erupted in about 640,000 years….seems like we are a little overdue!

Old Faithful

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