Monday, May 17, 2010

North American Road Trip Pt 2 - New Mexico to Nevada (2009)

So we finally made it to our fist planned destination: Roswell, New Mexico. I am sure that I do not have to tell you what is enticing about this city (if you are still stumped click here). No we did not see any extraterrestrials --which was both disappointing and relieving at the same time (no anal probes for us!). I had an amusing conversation with some Americans at Dairy Queen and giggled at their excitement over the fact that Canada has coloured money and milk bags. We visited some museums, got our pictures taken with aliens, tried to stay indoors because it was HOT!!!

We travelled further south and visited the White Sands National Monument . Miles upon miles of pure white sand. It literally looked like snow! We trekked along the dunes but didn’t stray too far out. It is easy to get lost and people have died out there before. On a lighter note, you can rent sleds and go tobogganing down the dunes! One thing I did find odd was that the park closes down during the week so that the military can conduct tests…..of what I have no idea….do I smell conspiracy??

Playing in the sand

Continuing on our journey we took a little detour to check out the astronomical radio observatory Very Large Array. This is where some of the movie “Contact” was filmed (are you starting to see a trend here? Look out Area 51!). These things were HUGE! Unfortunately we arrived later in the day and it was closed so we didn’t get to go on a tour. It was starting to get dark so back on the road we continued our journey. Next stop, the Grand Canyon!

"Hi Mom!"
I'm in the bottom left corner

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