Sunday, May 9, 2010

Yikes! It's Happening!

Soooooo it's going to happen! And quick. Due to circumstances in my life the opportunity to take the time to travel the world has come up....and come up it has! Plans are to leave in August (I wasn't planning on taking this trip until 2012/2013) Yikes. That only gives me two and a half months to plan a trip, save money, get my house finished and rented, and get my belongings packed all while working a 60/hour week (rotating days/nights).

Sure I cooouuuullddd let this pass and stick with my original plan but I am starting to believe that things happen for a reason. And face it, who knows what my life will be like in a few years time --maybe my circumstances will change and I won't be able to travel. It's best I do this now :)

So where am I going you may ask? Well this ain't no Euro trip that's for sure. Sure I love adventure, sure I love the thrills but I have to admit there is a hidden agenda. I am on a quest. A quest for truth...to discover the spiritual and mysterious places of the earth, all while having the time of my life! This blog will be dedicated to the lighter side of me, travel plans, touristy things, excursions and all of that fun stuff. I have a seperate log dedicated to my spiritual journey which you can follow at: http://sacreddivine.blogspot.com/

I have to admit that I am feeling really overwhelmed but super excited!!! Since I still have a bit of time before I leave I will post Blogs on the adventures I have taken in the past 2 years to whet your apetite.


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